Our Team

Pastor Jeff began as Senior Pastor of Ashland Church on June 1, 2016, having served churches in Ohio and Idaho since 1985. Besides pastoring, he has taught Bible, preaching, and theater from elementary school to the graduate level. In Ohio he founded a church and in Idaho a community theater group. He loves Jesus and is thrilled that his family (wife, Kim; son, Nathan; daughter-in-law Ashley; daughter, Gretchen; son-in-law, Gary [who serves as our youth minister]; grand-children, Abby, Gideon, Lily, and Gemma, and in-laws Larry and Shirley) are all now living in the Oregon, Ohio area.
B.A. in Fine Arts/Theater - Judson College / M.Div. in Biblical Studies - Central Baptist Theological Seminary / D. Min in Preaching - Northern Baptist Theological Seminary (ACTS)
Senior Pastor

Gary started serving with youth over 10 years ago and is currently overseeing the youth ministries at Ashland Church. In his spare time, he writes theologically focused film reviews and loves watching and talking about films of all kinds. Some of his other passions include music — he has played on numerous worship teams over the last 15 years — and the Bible — he loves diving into Scripture to uncover its meaning and apply it to today’s culture.
B.A. Biblical Studies (Christian Ministries emphasis) - Bethel College / M.Div. (Worship, Theology, and the Arts emphasis) - Fuller Theological Seminary